The Dancing Shiva, known as Nataraja. The Dance of Bliss, symbolizes the universe's continuous change and flow, reflecting Shiva's role as the creator, destroyer, and sustainer of all. His dance represents the cycles of time, with each beat of his drum and step marking the rhythm of existence. This dance also unfolds within our hearts, where we engage in a constant interplay with our egos, desires, and self-perception. It embodies the Indian concept of the eternal cycle of time. The name 'Nataraja' translates to 'King of Dancers,' illustrating the five principal manifestations of eternal energy: creation, destruction, preservation, salvation, and illusion. Nataraja is believed to awaken our creative instincts.
Brass Casted Nataraja
Dimensions: 8" x 11"
Weight: 5.6 lbs
*In the case of items for which we carry multiples, we will choose similar to displayed image.